Universités d’Été Euroméditerranéennes des Homosexualités / Rencontres LesBiGayTransQueerIntersexe

Universités d’Été Euroméditerranéennes des Homosexualités / Rencontres LGBTQI+ et féministes

Principle of self-management

The UEEH Summer University is run through the principle of self-management in all fields :

  • Content Management : every workshop of any kind, debates, conferences, library, association tables and tents, health prevention and information point, public reading, movie club, cabaret nights, concerts, exhibitions, performances and installations, sports, games… , everything comes from the initiative of the Summer University participants.
  • Decision-making Process : any decision is the result of collective debate at general assemblies.
  • Everyday life collective management: all action items related to facilities and maintenance of the premises are performed by the participants.

Every participant is a volunteer ; there is no hierarchy.