COVID Protocol

Why have a protocol to reduce contamination risks?

COVID is still circulating, and often does most harm to the most marginalized people, especially those experiencing ableism, but not only, as demonstrated by the excess mortality in Seine Saint Denis at the heart of the COVID epidemic. It’s the most precarious and oppressed people who have the least access to the healthcare system who die: the poor, the disabled, the racialized, the trans… That’s why we think it’s important to take collective responsibility for this issue. We are aware that this protocol is light, but because few people actually follow protocols, we are hoping that a light protocol well-applied is more useful than a heavy protocol poorly applied.

Covid tests

We ask participants who can to get tested:

Measures to prevent virus spread

Air purifiers will limit the risk of air contamination in crowded rooms. Wherever possible, we encourage large groups to gather outdoors, especially for assemblies. If assemblies are held indoors, we strongly encourage wearing masks and airing the rooms.

During workshops, we particularly encourage discussion organizers to ask anonymously if anyone wishes for masks to be mandatory (for example, everyone closes their eyes except one person. If someone wants the mask to be worn, they raise their hand). However, if the organizer forgets, we encourage everyone to take the initiative. In some cases, the situation is more complex (e.g. a person who needs to lip-read) and that will require groups to adapt.

Hydro-alcoholic gel will be available in key areas (refectory, toilets, etc.). Basic hygiene rules will help limit the spread of the disease.

In case of symptoms

It’s important to wear a FFP2 mask if you have symptoms. FFP2 masks will be available on site, but it’s a good idea to bring your own too. However, it can be stigmatizing to wear a mask; don’t ask others why they are wearing one, it’s their business and not yours.

We will have antigen tests, in doubt, do not hesitate to ask for one. If you have symptoms it’s not dramatic, we will discuss together what you’d prefer for the remaining of the event. Do not stay alone with this in mind, come talk to someone in the UEEH organizers.

Once the test confirmed, we will communicate that there is at least one Covid case, so that everyone can be aware of the risks and make informed decisions. We will not terminate the edition, since many participants have come from very far, and that would put an unnecessary pressure on the contaminated participant.

Please try to respect this protocol as best as you can, it’s an important topic that concerns us all!