2024 Theme: Margins against violence – Sharing stories and tools

About the theme

For this 2024 edition, we want to highlight the transmission of stories and concrete tools that our communities use to fight against forms of violence on and between us. It’s an invitation to hear the voices of the past and present from the margins.

Stories of political resistance and tools for collective solidarity

Oppressive systems are interconnected, and the violence we experience within our own political groups and communities reflects oppression on a global scale. That’s why we need to talk about the people who came before us and fought against racist laws, the criminalisation of homosexuality and trans-identity, HIV, sexism, poverty, political inertia, the protection of aggressors, validism and war. Popular ecology, intersectional feminism and political anti-racism prove that alliances between minorities have existed and will always exist, despite the rise of fascism, authoritarianism and reaction. How can we draw inspiration from all these movements in our personal and political battles?

In the face of everything that makes our daily lives so difficult, let’s tell the story of concrete solidarity across time and borders. Let’s continue to organise our own archives to ensure that our stories are seen and heard. Let’s share our collective self-help tools, such as money and equipment mutuals, support networks and discussion groups. And, alongside the practical, let’s talk theory! How can we turn science (sociology, history, etc.) into a tool for analysis and empowerment?

Queer creativity and community justice

To tackle these issues within our communities, we also invite you to propose workshops so that we can continue to build an existence that resembles and excites us. This means making our communities more welcoming and empowering for everyone. For example, what systems can we put in place to make our organisation spaces fully accessible? What signage and graphics can we put in place at our events so that everyone feels at home?

We also know that there are often abusive power dynamics within our organisational groups that run counter to our values. Faced with these challenges, what regulatory, awareness-raising and communication tools can we put in place to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and understood in our groups? Let’s exchange tips on how to get through conflicts while respecting each other. Let’s do justice differently, including when dealing with aggression, whether you’re the aggressor, the person being attacked or a witness. How do we denounce violent behaviour without turning the perpetrators into monsters? How can we regain power after being attacked? Let’s talk about consent and self-defence!

Individual resistance: intimacy is political

Every day, and even without realising it, as queers we defend ourselves. During medical consultations, interactions at administrative counters, at the airport, but also when crossing the public space or meeting up with our loved ones, some of us have survived attacks. How do we rebuild? What parts of ourselves have we had to shut down to protect ourselves? Let’s write, sing and act out some of these stories during the next UEEH.

Finally, what can we do to undo the relationships that this colonial world imposes on our bodies and minds? Let’s resist by taking care, relaxing and repairing.

Suggest workshops around this theme

All forms of expression are welcome to tackle these issues! Contributions can be as diverse as: interactive discussions, writing and sharing texts, drawings, body expression, dance, films, songs, shows, collaborative workshops, collective reading, sports…

You can submit a contribution now, and you’ll be able to do so throughout the year. If you have any questions or suggestions, drop us a line.

We look forward to hearing from you at educpop [at] ueeh.net.

Thank you and see you soon!
The Educpop Committee